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Quick desserts with pinsa: how to amaze your palate quickly and easily

Although more than 20 years have passed since its creation, even today the first question people ask about pinsa concerns its difference with pizza. And since, at least in Italy, pizza tends to be a savoury dish, the association of pinsa with dessert is not immediate. 

Simple desserts taste best

In a previous detailed article, we explained that sweet pinsa is an opportunity for both professionals, i.e.  for the catering industry, and for end consumers, given pinsa’s versatility for every taste and preparations of all kinds. 

In this respect, pinsa is a «neutral» dish, with its well-known mix of lightness, crispness and unique flavour, suited to both savoury and sweet dishes. Starting with a precooked pinsa, there is also the considerable advantage of the cooking time: in 5 minutes the dish is ready and can be seasoned with imagination. Great for improvising a snack, an appetizer or to end a meal in a pleasant and innovative way. The snack variant is perfectly suited to sweet dishes that can be quickly prepared at home and eaten wherever you want. 

Given its versatility, why then do people still consider pinsa predominantly a savoury food? We have already mentioned the main reason, and that is the direct connection with pizza, but there may be at least one other reason. Some people, in fact, are reluctant to try their hand at making desserts because they associate them with very complex preparations that require absolute precision with no space for mistakes. While it is true that pastry-making can reach heights of complexity, this does not mean that one cannot opt for simple and equally tasty solutions. Simplicity never rules out flavour and quality

Quick desserts with pinsa: 6 recipes for a mix of flavour and simplicity

This article is about sweet pinsa. Not in generic terms, as we refer to our previous in-depth description for that. Here we deal with how to make a good and tasty dish by mixing simplicity and speed of execution. A dish that everyone can make, with just a few ingredients and without having to learn any special techniques: all you need here is the desire to eat something good. 

Pinsa with Nutella and strawberries

This is a dish that can be prepared very quickly, requiring neither skills nor many ingredients. The combination of Nutella and strawberries is spot-on because it creates a balance of flavours and textures, especially between the sweetness of the chocolate and hazelnut mix and the slight acidity of the strawberry, which creates a very balanced taste experience. 

A few words about the preparation, which should take no more than 5 minutes. Spread a generous layer of Nutella on the base, bake for 5 minutes (just long enough for the Nutella to melt slightly) and then arrange the strawberries directly on the hot pinsa. 

Pinsa with apricot jam and almonds.

This is a winning mix for several reasons, concerning both flavours and textures. The apricot jam has a freshness and a very strong flavour that contrasts-but more importantly balances-the very delicate taste of the almonds. An interesting step here is the roasting: the almonds, when lightly toasted during the short baking process, develop an aroma and texture that add depth and complexity to the dish. This creates a combination of sweet, sour, crunchy and soft that cannot fail to please. 

Pinsa apples and cinnamon

In 10 minutes tops, it is very difficult to do better than an apple and cinnamon pinsa. The combination, typical of apple pies, is very well known and appreciated: the apples, when lightly cooked, become soft and very sweet, releasing their natural juices that penetrate the base, while the cinnamon enhances the taste of the apples with its deep, spicy aroma. A must try, absolutely. 

Pinsa with dark chocolate and orange

Here the winning mix comes from the contrast between the intense taste of dark chocolate and the freshness of grated orange zest. The dark chocolate gives the dish a bitter note, which balances perfectly the citrusy and slightly sweet aroma of the orange. Grating the orange zest, rather than using orange slices, allows the essential oils to be released, amplifying the aroma and flavour without adding too much moist to the pinsa. 

Pinsa with custard and fresh fruit

For this recipe we’ll make an exception and use more ingredients than the previous one, which had only two. The delicious combination of custard and fresh fruit, both in terms of taste and texture, is known to all and we certainly do not have to explain it. As for fruit, strawberries, kiwi, bananas and blueberries are good choices, but it is not easy to balance them perfectly: better not to overdo it on quantity and variety. 

Pinsa with mascarpone cheese

This is a delicious dessert that combines the crunchiness of pinsa with the creaminess of mascarpone. To prepare it, simply spread a generous layer of mascarpone over the pinsa base that has already been baked in the oven for 5 minutes to create a soft, velvety base. At this point you can add a sprinkle of powdered sugar and top with fresh strawberries, pistachios or other fruits.

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